Sunday, September 29, 2013

Food for thought

The title of this post is slightly oxymoronic.  I am purposefully not writing anything thought provoking, because I've been a little melancholy the past 3 days, so I don't really trust what would fly off of my fingertips at this time!  But, I have been wanting to mention a few foods, and there is no danger in that :)  So there you go food for thought.

Kinotos--tiny oranges about the size of a cherry tomato.  You pop the whole thing into your mouth, the orange peel and everything!

Choripan--amazingly delicious.  Chorizo sausage is a mix between a salt cured ham and a bratwurst.  You grill that up and put it inside a hollowed out piece of bread (like a french bread) and eat it with all sorts of toppings.  I prefer "american type" mustard and lettuce.  Yum!

Locro--this is a pumkpin based soup, there are a thousand variations but Bethany makes it with white beans and corn.  It is thick and chowdery.  I love it, especially on these cold days!

Pizza--...yesterday for lunch we had this at Carlota's house..then we had it cold on the drive home at 10:00.  This pizza had a normal crust and sauce, then it had a layer of cream of corn, bologna/ham stuff called fiambre, then their version of mozzerlla cheese, and then...crumbled up boiled egg.

Asado--this is SO Argentina.  Basically it is a huge grill out of all kinds of meat.

Lomito--this is what Eli loves.  It is a thin strip of sirloin, a fried egg (they put egg on so much stuff here), fiambre ham, cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, tomato and lettuce sandwiched between a thick white bread.

Medialunas--sweet bread croissants that they usually stuff with dulce de leche

Facturas--these will be the death of me.  Any time you go over to someone's house they have all kinds of cake, bread and facturas that they expect you to eat for the merienda, while you drink mate.  They are all sweet, some are filled with dulce de leche, other's with cream, the cara sucias (dirty faces) are like cinnamin rolls with black tops and brown sugar

Torta de Milhojas--"thousand pages" cake.  It tastes like baklava, that is what the pastry is like at least, instead of honey they use..of course...dulce de leche, then there are nuts.  This picture is topped with a crocante (crunchy meringue), and sweet cream, which is really typical too.  I think this cake should be called, "how many ways can we put sugar on this thing?!"

There are cake and sweets everywhere.  Anytime a group of more than one person is around there has to be some kind of desert.  It is insane, my sugar levels are off the chart.

That is actually a little tricky, because the Argentine eating schedule is breakfast, lunch, then merienda at 5 ish and dinner at 9.  We don't do it that way at Bethany and Roman's house, so when we go to other people's houses, usually about a 2 hour drive away each weekend, at 5 or 6 I am really hungry for food...and all that is there is a TON of sweets.  If I don't eat that I won't eat anything all the way from lunch until 10 or 11 when we get home.  So the question is:  how do I not sugar crash and/or gain a million pounds?

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