Today at lunch Roman was asking me how people talk in Kentucky. I gave him a couple of examples and then he had me in STITCHES with his impersonation. The only phrase he said he "knew" from the south was "thankee kindly" Oh my goodness, if you could have heard the way it sounded coming from him. A complete scream.
If you want to see what Abi, Eli and I did yesterday feel free to click on this link :) A Princess Story
Tonight we are going to Deaf Club (I'm excited :) and then tomorrow we are going to Rio Tercero for the day to visit Roman's mom...and whoever else decides to come. On Sunday we have a churchwide picnic. What this really boils down to is a lot of time today baking sweets in the kitchen with Bethany...and two little helpers. Its going to be a good day. But first, I have to take a little siesta!
Here are two pictures from Eli's birthday celebration. We had pizza relleno and her favorite cake. When you ask Eli what she's going to do when she grows up she always answers "buy pizza and lomitos and icecream!"
I read about Ellie's favorite sandwich before I read your explanation of what it was, so I Googled it. "un sándwich típico de la gastronomía de Argentina." I particularly like the gastronomia part!